Opus Dei – Latin for the Work of God – is an organization of the Catholic Church which helps ordinary women and men strive for holiness in their ordinary lives, through their work and family life. It was founded in 1928 by St. Josemaría Escrivá, a Spanish priest who was canonized (i.e., proclaimed a saint) by Pope John Paul II in 2002.

The faithful of Opus Dei come from all social classes and conditions and include young and old, married, and single, male and female, rich and poor, laypeople and priests. Most members are married and live with their families. All members lead ordinary working lives. Hence, their only common feature is the Catholic faith they share and their desire to strive for holiness in and through daily affairs. The founder, St. Josemaría, often spoke of the greatness of ordinary life, meaning, people can find God and become holy, by striving to carry out their everyday activities to the best of their ability and for the love of God.

Opus Dei supports its members and interested non-members by spiritual formation and guidance, helping them to strive for holiness and carry a Christian atmosphere and Christian evangelization wherever they are. Members of Opus Dei, in collaboration with other people of goodwill, can set up social and educational undertakings in the countries where they live. Such undertakings include student residences like Keri, schools and universities, medical centers and hospitals, children’s’ clubs, farming schools etc. In East Africa, there are Opus Dei centers in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi, and Kampala.